September 9, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Comey Gets Standing O From Sold-Out KC Crowd

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Between October 28, 2016, and May, 9, 2017, only one man in America was more despised by the leftward third of America than then FBI Director James Comey.

On October 28, Comey delivered what the New Yorker magazine called his “October Surprise.” It was on that day that he reopened the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails. Said a shocked John Podesta, Clinton campaign chair, “It is extraordinary that we would see something like this just eleven days out from a presidential election.”

For the next six months, Comey was widely reviled on the left as “the man who cost Hillary the election,” a sentiment that Hillary herself voiced repeatedly. Bizarrely, however, Public Enemy #2, Comey, was able to win the hearts and minds of that dispirited mass by doing one simple thing: getting fired by Public Enemy #1, Donald Trump.

As desperate to preserve their illusions as the Comey crowd at the Uptown, the Brits cheered Neville Chamberlain.

At Kansas City’s Uptown Theater on Friday Night, Comey was greeted much the way British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was greeted when he returned from Munich in 1938 promising the relieved Brits “peace for our time.”

Despite the fact that Comey’s only accomplishment in the year since his termination was to bad mouth Trump, that was enough for the almost exclusively white crowd of liberals jammed into the Uptown.

“The 1,700 in attendance welcomed him with a standing ovation,” reports Stuart Downing of Fox 4 News. “They broke into applause every chance they got, clapping for things like the FBI’s low employee turnover or the mention of Robert Mueller.” For generations, the left has more or less despised the FBI, and yet wonder-worker Comey seems to have single handedly rehabilitated the Bureau in just a year.

The love will not last. During the Q & A session, according to Downing, “Comey called ‘Spygate’ another attempt to undermine trust in federal law enforcement.”

And this is where the comparison to Chamberlain comes into play. Like the Brits in 1938, the Uptown crowd was trapped in its own illusions, ignoring reality, believing only what it wanted to believe.

The Brits were able to live with their illusions another year before war broke out. The libs will not get that long. Soon, the Justice Department’s Inspector General Report will come out, and those illusions, like Comey’s reputation, will take their first battering.

More stomach-dropping revelations will follow. The president that liberals have routinely referred to as “Hitler” will prove to be just the opposite. The exposure of “Spygate” will not undermine trust in government. It will start its slow rehabilitation.

Years from now, the saner of the 1700 at the Uptown will say to themselves, “What the hell were we thinking the night we cheered James Comey?”



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