Category: News
With Win In GOP 2nd District, Steve Watkins Upsets Dems’ Game Plan
With Steve Watkins victory in Kansas’s 2nd District GOP primary, Democratic nominee Paul Davis, who ran unchallenged, must be thinking,…
This Weekend at UMKC, Speed-Dating for Koch-Hating Activists
This weekend UMKC and All Souls UU Church will be hosting a progressive activist conference with a specific focus on…
Trump on Kobach: “a fantastic guy who loves his State and Our Country”
“Kris Kobach, a strong and early supporter of mine, is running for Governor of the Great State of Kansas. He…
War on Women in KC Turns Lethal, 4 Dead, 3 Injured In One Week
In their scramble to keep up with the mayhem in Kansas City this past week, the media have missed a…
Topeka Capital-Journal Must Think There’s A Pulitzer For Slander
In the ongoing contest to defame gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach, the Topeka Capital-Journal surged into the lead with its headline story,…
New York Media Fret About “Another Lurch to The Right” in Kansas
On Friday, both the New York Times and the New York Magazine warned their readers of impending disaster in Kansas. …
Chinese Missionary Among 15 Shot in KC in 33 Hours
The seemingly random shooting death of Chinese Citizen Xindong Hao in Kansas City on Wednesday will do little to to…
9 Shot in KC On Wednesday, 2 Dead, 5 Separate Shooting Incidents
At 4:07 p.m.on Wednesday, Fox 4 KC posted it first shooting story of the day, “Police investigating homicide after one…
Shocker: Lawrence Paper Misleads on Property Tax Increase
Carrying the water for government, the Lawrence Journal-World claims that the Lawrence school district is reducing property taxes. That claim…
GOP Activists Reject Ingraham Smack Down of Kevin Yoder
“I too reject the Laura Ingraham version of what happened in this important committee meeting,” a prominent Kansas activist said in…
Higher Ed Pub Asks, “What About Kansas” On Subject of Free Speech?
One has to wonder whether the academic left does not understand the concept of free speech or merely pretends to…
Did President Trump Snub Mayor James During KC Visit?
Kansas City Mayor Sly James did not meet with President Trump during his Kansas City visit, but only one news…
Shocker: McClatchy, Star Expose Federal Follies That Enrich McCaskill Hubby
Proving they are still capable of old-fashioned journalism, the McClatchy DC Bureau and the Kansas City Star teamed up to…
Update: 17 Dead, 7 Injured in Branson Boating Accident
“Branson” was trending on Twitter Friday morning for a reason no one would have wanted or anticipated. As a result…
Clarification on Inaccurate Jason Kander Video
According to sources close to Jason Kander: “As with all other news outlets, we do not control the content. Jason…
Maoists Plan to “Shut Down” Trump VFW Appearance in KC
“President Donald Trump will be joining more than 10,000 members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States…
Real US News Headline: “Kobach Says He Wants to Do for Kansas What Trump Done for US”
Nearly 15 hours after it was first posted, the once reputable US News & World Report was still running as…
Only Fox 4 TV Reports Reports Rape of 15-Year-Old JOCO Girl By Illegal
For any number of reasons the fact that a 28-year-old man has been charged with rape should be newsworthy. For…
Media Warm Up To NRA After Colyer Endorsement
The major media have historically had only slightly more enthusiasm for the NRA (National Rifle Association) than they have had…
Suspect in Indian Student Murder Shoots 3 KC Cops, Is Killed in Return
After a wild afternoon, with shootings at three different locations, Kansas City Police shot and killed the suspect in the…
Bernie Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez Stump to Turn Kansas 3rd Socialist
New York’s rock star Democrat Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders will come to Kansas City, Kansas, next Friday…
Temps Hit 100 Degrees Thursday–First Time in 5 Years
According to KMBC News, “Temperatures hit 100 degrees Thursday for the first time in 5 years.” If accurate, that statement…
Monetti “All In”–Will Stump 114 MO Counties Before Primary
Last week, former B-2 pilot and Republican Senate candidate Tony Monetti leaped off a 30-foot cliff shouting “all in” as…
Busted! Kansas Libs Say 2nd District’s Steve Watkins Is One of Us
On Friday, July 13, an unlucky day for Republican 2nd District Congressional candidate Steve Watkins, the Kansas City Star posted…