Category: Featured
Who Knew? Conservatives Gained Strength in Kansas, Elect Majority Leader
For all the self-congratulatory bluster coming out of the media this past month, who would have known that conservatives actually…
No Charges Filed Against 74-Year-Old Kansas Woman Who Shot Intruder
“She called 911,” said Leavenworth Police Major Dan Nicodemus of the unnamed 74-year-old woman who shot an intruder. “She stayed…
Whoa! Missouri Teacher Busted on Sex Charges Rehired by Neighboring District
The arrest of a male Missouri teacher may force open the doors on a scandalous practice that has much too…
Despite Promises Not To, KC May Dun Taxpayers for KCI
In October 2017, when still helping sell the new single terminal at KCI, the Kansas City Star ran a story…
15 Months Into Campus Carry, KU Reports First Teeny Violation
Some 15 months into the University of Kansas’s “controversial” campus carry law, the Lawrence Journal-World inquired to see how many…
Oops! Two Airlines Tell KC They Can’t Afford New Terminal
The City of Kansas City, Missouri, sold its citizens on the idea of a brand new terminal with the oft-repeated…
UMKC Prof Accused of “Modern Slavery”
For the second time in three years, a seemingly successful, high profile UMKC professor hailing from Asia has been accused…
Shoot-Out At Overland Park’s Oak Park Mall: Updated
Update: The Kansas City Star, to its credit, has reported the race of the perpetrator: “Lacy said police were looking…
Hawley Catches McCaskill In Major Lie About Undercover O’Keefe Video
During their final debate on KMBC-TV in Kansas City Thursday, moderator Kris Ketz asked Senate candidate Josh Hawley about the…
Whoa! DOJ Investigates Sex Crimes, Harassment in Shawnee Mission Schools
For nearly two years now the Sentinel has been documenting the lack of media attention to sex crimes within area…
Star Commenter Threatens to Shave Heads of Trump Supporters
To be clear right up front, the person threatening to shave heads of Trump supporters has nothing to do with…
Ashcroft: Judge “Has Eviscerated Missouri’s Photo ID Law”
Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft is not happy and with good reason. “Today, a mere two weeks from the…
Pat Roberts Demands Claire McCaskill Pull His Quote From Her Ad
“If you want to pick somebody to work in a bipartisan manner and get something done … you ask Claire…
Female Kansas Mod Laments Left’s “Ugly Campaign”
In a Pitch article that gets almost everything wrong, former Kansas City Starreporter Barbara Shelly allows moderate Republican Representative Melissa…
James O’Keefe: “McCaskill’s Response Is Outrageous”
James O’Keefe, the founder and president of Project Veritas Action, has responded to the letter Claire McCaskill submitted to the…
Kudos to McClatchy: Hits Sharice Davids on Unpaid Debt
Brian Lowry, now writing for McClatchy, the Kansas City Star parent company, has been doing some good honest reporting of…
KMBC: “Missouri Senate Race Blowing Up” Over Hidden Camera Videos
The Claire McCaskill campaign has been forced to react to a pair of undercover videos produced by James O’Keefe’s Project…
How Dem House Candidate With 2 DUIs Ceased to Be Gay
For one curious reason, followers of local media did not have to play “Guess the party” when reading about the…
KU Coach Bill Self Has Lots of ‘Splainin’ to Do in Adidas Scandal
University of Kansas basketball fans are not thinking about the ongoing federal trial of Adidas executives in New York. They…
Boom! Project Veritas Reporters Show McCaskill, Staffers Duping Swing Voters
James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas reporters have caught not only McCaskill staffers but also Claire McCaskill herself sharing thoughts on any…
Rape of MSU Student After #MeToo Rally Highlights Movement’s Confusion
“I guess I tried to force myself on her, and I feel like such a terrible person for it,” Zachary…
“Gosnell,” The Movie, Opens in Area Theaters Today
Writing in National Review, Michelle Malkin calls Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer “The Most Important Movie You’ve Never Heard Of.”…
Witness Fingers KU B-Ballers In Adidas Scandal
On Thursday, cooperating witness T.J. Gassnola, a former Adidas consultant, detailed the payments he made to families and friends of current…
After Long Illness, the Heroic Sen. Kay O’Connor Dies
On Wednesday morning, October 10, former Kansas State Senator Kay O’Connor died after a long illness at the age of…