Tag: local option budget

Leavenworth, Lansing superintendents prepare deceptive property tax presentation
Leavenworth USD 453 Superintendent Dr. Kellen Adams and Lansing USD 469 Superintendent Marty Kobza will discuss property taxes before the…

USD 453 should be honest about its proposed 5% property tax increase
At its July board meeting, the USD 453 Leavenworth school board was shown a revenue-neutral rate chart that appears to…

KASB SPED claim is its latest deliberate deception
If Benjamin Franklin were alive today, he would say there are four things certain in life: death, taxes, there will…

K-12 bureaucracy ignores flaws in special education funding formula, calls for more money
Despite testimony that some K-12 funding related to special education (SPED) services is not counted toward SPED funding, the Kansas…

Kansas Reflector gaslights readers on school funding, makes false accusations of legislators
A recent story about school funding in the Kansas Reflector reminded me of a quote by Winston Churchill – a…

KC Star in the running for journalistic malpractice award
If there was an award for journalistic malpractice, the Kansas City Star would be a leading contender. The most recent…
Can the State Supreme Court Close Kansas Schools?
The state Supreme Court didn’t explicitly threaten to close Kansas schools in its latest opinion that found public school financing…